Tarhala is located at the south of Akola in washim district of vidharbah region of west Maharashtra with total 758 families residing. The Tarhala village has population of 3351 of which 1731 are males while 1620 are females as per Population Census 2011.Tarhala village has higher literacy rate compared to Maharashtra. In 2011, literacy rate of Tarhala village was 87.08 % compared to 82.34 % of Maharashtra. In Tarhala Male literacy stands at 91.73 % while female literacy rate was 82.21 %.
As per constitution of India and Panchyati Raaj Act, Tarhala village is administrated by Sarpanch. Also the healthcare facilities,Electricity, Telephone,Post office, are available in the village. In Schooling facility up to 10th standard is available in the village and number of students is 700.Water project is available through canal for Irrigation in the vicinity of village Tarhala. The villagers are mostly in agricultural field. The main tourist attraction of the village is makan shareef Dargah of pashtun community. people also come from other countries. from Afghanistan mostly Pilgrims of pathan community like from city of Kabul come here.
makan shareef
Babajan fakirabad tarhala shrine (Dargah) is famous in the world. it is built in afghani architecture and was made by Afghani peoples. in front of dargah the huge gate called shahi darwaza increase beauty of this place. it opens every year on occasion. for pilgrims who come from outside residential place is made called musafirkhana which opens early in the morning. shrine is very huge and the mosque is buildup in the middle of shrine. This is located at shelu bajar- karanja roadway. kolkata to mumabi express highway and the kanykumari to delhi Express highway cross just 2 km from this village. nearest railway station is (AMW)Amanwadi which is about 23.04 Km from centre. The nearest airport is Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport Nagpur.
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